Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Thursday Night Stamp-a-Stack


DETAILS: You will make 4 of each, for a total of 16 cards.
WHEN: Thursday, July 29th, 2010
WHERE: My house!
COST: $20.00 per person
TIME: 6:00pm - until
I supply all of the materials and you stamp them and put them together! It's that easy! I will also be providing water and a snack!

If you are interested in making these cards, but do not live in my area, you can email me and I will send you a kit to make these cards at home. The kit will include all of the materials to put the card together. The images will be stamped, you will just adhere the pieces together! Email me @ mypookiedallas99@aol.com if you are interested!

Here are the cute HOMEMADE cards you will be making!

This is a card I cased from my upline, Tammi Morgan! Thanks Tammi for the cute idea! :)

Again, let me know if you are interested in having these beautiful cards!
Until Next Time, Happy Stampin'!